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影片 Tiling
ARDEX-FLEX Flexible Tile Grouts
Learn how create a water-repellent, dirt resistant and streak-free finish with our range of flexible tile grouts.
ARDEX MICROTEC X 78 Flexible Semi-Pourable Floor Tile Adhesive
Learn how to easily achieve solid bed fixing when installing large format floor tiles.
ARDEX MICROTEC S 27 & S 28 Natural Stone Tile Adhesives
Learn how to eliminate the risks staining and warping when installing moisture-sensitive natural stone, with our unique range of RAPIDRY FORMULA Natural Stone Tile Adhesives.
ARDEX MICROTEC X 77 Flexible Wall & Floor Tile Adhesive
Learn how ARDEX MICROTEC X 77 provides up to 40% more coverage than leading competitors, and how its advanced technologies fix large format wall tiles without slipping and without the need for battens.
ARDEX WPC Flexible Rapid Drying Waterproof Protection Coating
Learn how to quickly and easily create a protective waterproof coating that prevents costly water damage.